Wellness Classes






Relax into a practice that nurtures body and mind through modified poses, soothing breathwork, and serene meditation, all while seated comfortably.


Experience a yoga class that embodies deliberate pacing, deep awareness, and inner strength. Slow, mindful, strong.


Discover a yoga class focused on refining physical poses, mastering breathwork, and deepening meditation practices.


Payment can be made upon arrival at Admissions for those with out Wellness or Premium memberships. If limited space, priority is given to members.

  • Premium/Wellness Garden Membership = free classes
  • Basic Garden Membership = $8 per class
  • General Admission = Open classes to the public. $15 per class (includes garden entry)

Wellness Membership perks: 

We are deeply grateful to our community for their support as we embark on rebuilding our wellness program. Your encouragement means the world to us. We fully recognize the profound impact our programs have had on the health and happiness of our community members. Your involvement and participation have been instrumental in shaping our journey. Please continue to stay connected as we eagerly share more updates and developments on our wellness initiatives. Together, we’re forging a path towards a brighter, healthier future. Thank you!

Premium/Wellness Membership Levels

Individual Premium

Family Premium

Family Plus Premium

More Wellness Class Info



  • Payment includes your Garden entry.  
  • Classes are outdoors, unless moved due to weather. 
  • It is best to arrive 15 minutes early to ensure a spot in the class. 
  • Bring your own mat and water bottle. You may want to bring two mats, or put a towel down, then your mat on top of that.  
  • Always good to wear layers since we are outdoors. 
  • Weather Cancellations: Classes may be moved indoors due to weather without announcement. Cancellations are posted on social media. Wellness Members can receive text updates with monthly schedule and cancellations. Limited holiday hours. The indoor Education Center is typically available for Wellness Classes when there is rain or inclement weather. (See social media for updates)
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