Healthy Halloween at The Garden


Thursday, October 26, 9am-6pm
Sponsored by the Grossmont Healthcare District

Enjoy a Healthy Halloween and free admission to The Water Conservation Garden on Thursday, October 26, courtesy of the Grossmont Healthcare District! Drop by any time to enjoy some time in The Garden, join us for one or more of the free activities that are scheduled throughout the day, or just wander the Trick-or-Treat Trails, and enjoy some healthy sweets along the way. Activities include a Ms. Smarty-Plants™ performance, garden tours, guided meditation, and more!

Must register for free entry.

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Healthy Halloween at The Garden
Thursday, October 26, 9am-6pm
Sponsored by the Grossmont Healthcare District

Enjoy a Healthy Halloween and free admission to The Water Conservation Garden on Thursday, October 26, courtesy of the Grossmont Healthcare District! Drop by any time to enjoy some time in The Garden, join us for one or more of the free activities that are scheduled throughout the day, or just wander the Trick-or-Treat Trails, and enjoy some healthy sweets along the way. Activities include a Ms. Smarty-Plants™ performance, garden tours, guided meditation, and more!

10AM Ms. Smarty Plants™ Goes Batty: (Short Version) An interactive, family-friendly conservation education program about the importance of some of our creepiest, crawliest friends

11AM Garden Tour: A docent-led tour of The Garden, a wonderful place to relax, enjoy the sunshine, and learn how to make your own garden more beautiful and drought tolerant

12PM Tortoise Talk: Meet The Garden’s resident tortoises, and learn how nutritious many of the vegetables, fruits, plant and fungi they like to eat are for us, too

1PM Garden Tour: A docent-led tour of The Garden, a wonderful place to relax, learn, and enjoy the sunshine, and learn how to make your own garden more beautiful and drought tolerant

2PM Meditation: Enjoy some focused, quiet time in The Garden, with a guided meditation

The Grossmont Healthcare District is a public agency that is dedicated to improving the physical and behavioral health of the residents of East San Diego County. The District is governed by a five-member elected Board of Directors, and owns and stewards Sharp Grossmont Hospital on behalf of its constituents. They support the well-being of the region through the operation of a public Health & Wellness Library, a community grants and sponsorships program, and scholarships for local students pursuing healthcare careers. Learn more at

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